Pes Yanengga, Jayapura – Papuan students have called on President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo to immediately withdraw TNI (Indonesian military) and Polri (Indonesian police) troops from Puncak regency, Central Papua Province.
Documents containing the term 'Warinus Murib'

Jayapura – The Papua Human Rights Lawyer Association (PAHAM Papua) believes that the Indonesian Military (TNI) police headquarters (Puspom) appears to be covering up and has been silent about the legal process involving the 13 suspects in the

The Indonesian National Army's (TNI) crime of torturing civilians in Papua has attracted criticism and resistance from the ordinary people. Ranging from Jakarta to Papua, statements were made and demonstrations launched everywhere.

Sharon Muller – On Friday March 22, a video circulated of TNI (Indonesian military) soldiers torturing of a civilian in Papua. In the video, the victim is submerged in a drum filled with water with his hands tied behind his back. The victim was alternately beaten and kicked by the TNI members.